Fall is in the air (although I swear Calgary seems to have gone straight to winter) which has me thinking about change. Right now, for me, this means trying to be a better blogger which means coming up with more content for this here space. I think I tend to get caught up in the idea that I need to write paragraph after paragraph (which terrifies me) when really, an image of something that inspires me would be just as good.
So, on that note, I am jumping on the Friday Finds bandwagon with the idea that at least I will have one consistent thing to post. The theme for this week is
... chevrons ...
| 1. | 2. | 3. | 4. | 5. | 6. | 7. |How can you tell I'm really into blue and green right now? :)
PS. This is new for me so if you have any suggestions please let me know.